Saturday, April 24, 2010

Favorite Things

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things that help me almost daily in pursuing my goals of losing weight and living a healthy (sometimes just healthier) lifestyle:

The weeks that I have pb&j for lunch, I ALWAYS have it on Kirkland's Multi-Grain Bread - it has 6 g of protein and 5 g of fiber per SLICE - and 140 calories. This stuff fills me up and it is only $4 for two bags at Costco. Awesome.

When I have a breakfast burrito I always use Flatouts - they are only 100 calories and have 9 g of protein and 8 g of fiber per tortilla (I also buy these at Costco, I think they run about $7 for a 3-pack)
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Love me some Coke Zero - I'm not quite sure what the deal is, but I love this stuff. It doesn't taste like diet and it's not tasting like regular Coke - me and the hubs enjoy it.
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These fun size packs of plain m&m's are great for a treat at night after the kiddos go to bed and there is only 70 calories in one package.

I have been putting multi-grain cheerios in my protein shakes (mixed in with a spoon after the blender) and my favorite way to eat these is with 1/2 cup of lf cottage cheese and 1 cup of sliced strawberries - yum!

This might be one of my new favorite things. It is Trader Joe's Cilantro Dressing - it only has 45 calories in 2 tablespoons and it is divine - think Cafe' Rio dressing people. Will be putting this on my romaine and chicken this week for lunch. Special thanks to Kelly over at Fitting Back In for the suggestion - muchas gracias!

I weighed in at 234.2 this morning - another pound down and I can tell that I'm gaining some muscle - love it!

this is me now.

p.s. I am still quite lame and CANNOT figure out how to post things as links in my blog - if anyone has the how to's let me know. Right now I'm blaming it on the fact that we have Windows Vista - blech. Problem fixed (I think) thanks Carly!


  1. Fab ideas! I gotta try those flat outs and figure out how to get my hands on that dressing! Why, Why, Why is their no Trader Joe's in SLC???!!!

  2. I love those flat outs. I tried them for the first time just the other day and they are so good. I am also really excited to try that dressing it looks yummy...

  3. Um, looks yummy! Tomorrow is my shopping day, I'll have to pick some of that up, especially that salad dressing! Adding a link is just like posting a picture. When you are making a new post, there are the tools at the top, it says LINK (right next to the button where you upload your pictures) Hit that button, a screen pops up where you can copy and past the web address that you want linked. Above that you can write a word or something so when your readers click that word it takes you to the link. Hope that helps!

  4. Oh my heck!!! Carly, I just noticed when I post all of my blogs I'm on the Edit HTML tab instead of the compose tab - makes a world of difference. Looking forward to posting links. Also, that salad dressing is only at Trader Joe's (from what I know), so I guess that means you all will have to visit me to get some!

  5. I'm so glad you like that salad dressing! I'm SO addicted!! You know i've never had flat outs? What is wrong with me! I never see them at my grocery stores- random!

  6. Yummy! I can't wait to get some of that salad dressing! I miss Cafe Rio!!! I can't wait to see you in 3 short weeks :)

  7. The dressing is really good - I'm thinking it would be great on a taco or fajitas. And flat-outs are good. They are usually by the deli (like at Walmart or Smiths). My one recommendation with them is crisp them a bit in a frying pan with Pam - I really like them that way....
