Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm Thankful....

That the scale read 247.0 this morning - down 50.2 pounds as of this morning. I'm off to New Mexico for Thanksgiving - I plan on running each of the next 3 days and doing some ab work, I decided to take the week off from weight training - it's been 6 months and I think it will be good for me! See you next week!

this is me now

Sunday, November 22, 2009

For Barb, Part I - My Turning Point

I had convinced myself that I was hiding my obesity – wearing it “well”. I had amazing friends in Idaho who accepted me for who I was. The problem was that I didn’t accept myself for who I was – I wasn’t honestly seeing myself for the 297 pound woman I had become. I was in denial – for some reason I thought no one else really saw how heavy I was – but the truth is that I wasn’t really seeing how heavy I was. I remember walking past some store windows and being absolutely shocked at how large my back half was. I used to go to Broulim’s or Walmart almost every day and just buy junk food – and one health magazine. I can only imagine what the checkers would think when I was back buying my 3rd box of Drumsticks ice cream cones for the week, along with my Shape magazine. Was I really fooling anyone? It was almost as shameful for me to buy the magazine as it was to buy the junk because I knew that I wouldn’t be doing anything about it – I intended to do something – just not that day, or the day after that. I really thought that one day things would just change if I wanted it bad enough – that magically I wouldn’t eat like a horse all day long and rekindle my inner athlete. But all I ended up doing was wishing each day away instead of actually doing something each day.

Moving to Arizona was such an unexpected change for me that it really helped me “get real” about what I was doing to myself. I finally made the choice to see myself as I truly was, love and accept myself for who I was at that moment, and go from there. I spent such a long time hating myself and my body that I failed to recognize the wonderful things it had done even at my heaviest. I weighed 227 when I got pregnant with my twins and 283 when I got pregnant with my 18-month-old. And I had relatively “normal” pregnancies. I healed very quickly from my c-section at 285 pounds. I was on my feet for 8 plus hours 3 times a week as a waitress. And the whole time my body was able to do these things for me I was spending my time hating it and abusing it with food. My turning point really came at the moment when I was able to accept where I was, love my body and appreciate it at 297 pounds.

My turning point came from a place of love for myself - not disgust, or hopelessness or despair - but love and acceptance.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

That's Just The Way It Is......

So, a couple of posts ago I stated that I was ready to lose some serious pounds in November - and as of today I have seriously lost 2.3 pounds - seriously! But it's okay, because I know something you might not know about me - sometimes my body just does this.... it holds onto the fat that is has become accustomed to having around, it retains water, heck, sometimes it even builds muscle - all of these things result in a fabulous month of pretty much nothing......but thankfully, I'm not just relying on my handy little scale to tell me if I'm still changing. For instance, today I just completed spinning class #7 - and do you know that I was able to use more resistance and push myself harder than I ever thought I would, even though I haven't lost ANY weight in the last 1 1/2 weeks? I also lost an inch off my hips and 3/4 inch off my lovely thighs in the past 2 weeks without losing ANY weight. Incredible. I have also become addicted to my spinach/turkey/egg salad for lunch.....even though I haven't lost any weight it did not send me right to the Wendy' drive thru - and I so would have done that 5 1/2 months ago because I would have felt so discouraged for not losing any weight. We took the kids on a hike two weekends ago - it was around a lake and beautiful and I really enjoyed it, and about half way through the 2.3 mile hike I realized I could have run around the WHOLE lake - even without losing anymore weight this month......Amazing! Obviously I'm being a bit sarcastic, but I truly feel like a different person - sure I'm excited to reach my goal weight, but I'm also excited when I reach other goals that I've set for myself, because it isn't all about the number on the scale anymore - it can't be for me, because I let that number define me as a failure for too long and that simply isn't true anymore.

this is me now.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thanks for your advice, but.......

So, there is this fabulous lady at the gym who is probably in her late 50's but her body is TOTALLY awesome. She is always lifting weights and jumping around - no joke - reminds me of the dot drill from high school. Anyway, we've chatted a couple of times and on Friday after I completed a set of jumping squats (hello booty!) she told me she had noticed that my hard work was really paying off. So nice of her to say! Then I let it slip that I had lost 46 pounds - that's right 46 POUNDS - and she was quite impressed with that number and here is our conversation from that point:

Janice: So surely you've changed your nutrition too?

E: Oh, of course.

J: And you've probably cut out the carbs?

E: Nope, just trying to stick with whole grains (and the occasional churro).

J: Well, I guess that's okay since you are working out so hard. But you've stopped eating after 6 right? That's so important because your body just can't burn those calories after 6.

E: Uhhhhhhh.......

We chatted for a bit longer and left it at that. She is such a nice lady and I really appreciate her noticing the changes I've made, however, I just thought it was so funny how she was trying to get me to admit to giving things up - which I haven't - and assuming I've stopped eating after dinner because it would be physically impossible for me to lose weight if I was still having a late night snack - which I do every night after the kids are in bed (Healthy Choice fudge bar - SO GOOD - and a 100-cal pack of something).

I just want to make sure that I am making myself clear at this point in my weightloss journey - I have NOT eliminated any food from my diet, although I no longer drink regular soda - I wanted to make this my lifestyle change until I'm gone. And right now I would be sabatoging myself if I didn't eat after 6 or gave up carbs - I'm smart enough to see the bingeing that would ensue. I think the big "secret" for me is that I'm doing what works. Sure, I eat oatmeal with pb for breakfast now - when we lived in Idaho I would go the the Maverik at least 2 or 3 times a week and get a donut, soda and some sort of breakfast sandwich. I eat my spinach salad with some turkey and hardboiled eggs and yogurt for lunch (or my beloved subway or costco salad) - when we lived in Idaho it would NOT be unusual for me to make myself physically sick from eating lunch at Big J's or from the deli at Broulim's, and I was doing this on a pretty regular basis. At night I'm still eating what I used to make for dinner in Idaho - the difference being that I cook dinner at home on average 6 times per week compared with 3 or 4 in Idaho. And I've already mentioned my evening snack - I cannot tell you what I used to eat after the kids were gone to bed and Jeremy was working his second job at Walmart because my face is starting to turn red even thinking about it. I was not only medicating myself with food each day but I was also abusing myself with food. Food helped me ignore the fact that I was ignoring my life.

Whoa, that got a little heavy for a sec. My point is that I'm going to just keep doing what I'm doing - lunch this week will be spinach, sunflower seeds, 2 hardboiled eggs, 3 oz. Columbo Herb Roasted Turkey (absolutely heavenly - thank you Costco), my Kraft Zesty Italian light and an activia yogurt. And I'm quite sure that I'll have a churro or two this week and might even have pizza for dinner and have at least 2 cans of diet coke each day. But I also know that I'll be at the gym for 10 hours this week - two of those hours spent in my saddle at my spinning class - and I'll continue drinking my water, eating my oatmeal, measuring out my dinner portions and sticking with my calories. Maybe I'll get more hardcore later - and maybe I won't, time will tell, but for now.....

this is me now