Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Come On

I am a pretty irregular poster. My sister Melissa - the awesome Glamazon - informed me that I would have more followers, comments, etc. if I posted 3 or more times a week. She is absolutely right. Right now my 9 followers are lucky to get 1 post per week. It honestly depends on how well I'm doing in my "journey". I feel the absolute need to only post when I've overcome something - not when I'm knee deep in it. My weight loss has been pretty much at a snail's pace for the past 5 months. I am really struggling. I went home to Utah at the end of February and ate just like I used to. It took me a full week to get back to my pre-trip weight. I have been having great weeks eating wise and the weekends are KILLING me. I went to St. George to hang out with the fam this past weekend and once again ate like the old Em. Apparently old habits die HARD - or in my case - resurrect themselves every weekend. I have been SO hard on myself, wondering what my big, FAT problem is? I feel better than I have in years - and I know that if I can get my thinking back on track, my possibilities and opportunities are endless. And yet, I struggle daily.

Today I had an ACTUAL epiphany as I was gagging down 3/4's of my Whopper(seriously, why did I buy that for lunch?) I was thinking about how people always say they want to live their lives with no regrets. I am one of those people who has many regrets and prays for do-overs. Anyway, I was thinking about how I totally feel bad (aka regret) when I eat my way through the weekend without thinking about how I'll feel Monday morning when according to the scale I have to start over AGAIN and lose the same weight I lost last week. I regret my lunch choices yesterday AND today.

Okay, here's the epiphany part: But, I definitely don't regret going to the gym today. I NEVER regret going to the gym. I NEVER regret eating a healthy meal. I NEVER regret drinking a ton of water or going to bed a little early. I almost ALWAYS regret eating crap, skipping a workout, not drinking my water - especially on the weekends, and staying up too late watching t.v. Maybe living my life with no regrets - okay maybe just some regrets - is going to require me to think about the after. How will I be feeling an hour from now after I ate (insert any and all trigger food/junk/crap that keeps me from my goals)? If the answer is BAD, maybe that choice should be rethought.

I will be posting more often. I'm sure (well, I'm hoping) that posting about my struggles, etc. 10 months in will be helpful to you - I know that honesty will help me.

this is me now.

P.S. My good friend Desi (grew up with her kids, LOVE them) left a comment on my blog a couple of posts ago and in it she mentioned that she just celebrated her 2 year anniversary without soda. That is SUCH a HUGE accomplishment and I just wanted to tell her how proud I am of her. All of my memories of Desi when I was growing up include her with a diet coke - so that is just an amazing thing she has done and is doing! Love you Des! The 43 pounds ain't too shabby either =)


  1. That Melissa knows EVERYTHING! Seriously, she is right. I check your blog often. I'd love it if you posted everyday. I know that would be way hard, but a couple times a week would be terrific. You have the most profound insights. I think you deserve a medal of honor for staying with and not giving up on yourself for so many months. You've dug down deep within yourself to find the strength to do something so incredibly hard.

    I ate perfectly healthy for 6 weeks then had a bad couple of days which lead to the last month of destructive eating. I started again this morning. You are so right. When I wake up in the morning, I will do so with no regrets for today. Your post today is exactly what I needed to hear. It always is.

    I would love to tell my friends (yes, I have more than 2) on facebook about yours and Melissa's blogs. Is that ok with you? I'll ask Melissa permission as well.

  2. Siri- Of COURSE you can tell your friends about me. You are very kind - the truth is that sometimes we just have hard hours, days and months, don't we? Keep up the good work - it really is work, isn't it?


  3. hey Emily,
    I just read on facebook about your blog and decided to check it out. Siri is right when she said you deserve a medal. I have spent the last hour reading your posts and I am so impressed with your will power. Losing weight is a tough thing to do but "BELIEVING IN YOURSELF" is even harder. I think your are doing an amazing job. Hang in there. Love ya!

  4. You're the bomb Em! Love you too.
