Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello 230's, It's Nice to Meet You

236.6 - that's my weight as of this morning. 60.6 - that's how much weight I've lost in 9 months. I spent all of December, January and the first two weeks of February in the 240's. I was in a stall and it was mostly because I was basically eating all of my calories burned working out. After a lengthy phone conversation with my sis Ashley she helped me realize that I might need to tweek my eating habits again - which I did and now I'm finally out of those darn 240's. I don't know what I'd do without Ashley - we talk at least 4 times per week and she lets me talk about my successes and my struggles. She offers me practical advice and cheers me on. She is the one to remind me - when I get down or frustrated - that these habits I'm creating are lifelong and I don't have to hurry and lose the weight. I hope that everyone has a someone like my sister.

this is me now.


  1. Ok, that is the sweetest post ever! -Mostly because it's all about me ;) But seriously Em, I don't know what I'd do without our phone chats either!!! We really should be talking more like 7 times a week, don't you think?

  2. Congratulations! What a milestone. You are working so hard. I love all you Van Dykes. You inspire me in different ways. I was hoping you had a new post. I crashed today. First time in six weeks. I have been having horrendous cravings for volume eating for a week. I caved today. I need to get back on track now. Have you had bad episodes like that or have you just been perfect with your eating? If so, what did you tell yourself to keep at it? I know you are going to make it. NO DOUBT! This girl is going to be hanging onto your coat tails hoping for a life change too.

  3. Yay and congrats! I'm glad you have each other, too :)

  4. Ash - 7 talks a week would be a-ok by me =)

    Mel - I'm glad I have Ash AND you - love my sisters!

    Holy cow! I don't think I've EVER been perfect with my eating - maybe a few days here and there, and in the past if I wasn't perfect I would be done with whichever diet I was trying because, apparently, if I did have cravings or a rough day then it must have meant I was weak and totally unable to lose weight. One of the keys for me is accepting the fact that there will be meals, days, sometimes weeks where I'm just not clicking food wise. That's the reason I stayed at the same weight for 2 1/2 months - this girl still has 57 pounds to lose and I had totally relaxed in my eating to where I was just maintaining. I would say to expect to not be perfect (because nobody is) and that might help you "forgive" yourself for being human and having cravings and move forward =). Keep up the good work!

  5. Hey Em, I'm almost three months in myself. Doing well, but got a ways to go too. You're an inspiration. My biggest inspiration is just how much better I feel. I just passed the two year mark for no soda. That's one of the best choices I made. I'm down 43 and feel much better. Keep it up for yourself, your fam, and the rest of us. Love Ya.
