Monday, November 1, 2010

Hardest Things I Do At The Gym....

Do you have those one, two or maybe three things at the gym that are absolutely hard?  No matter how many people do them well, it seems like you struggle with them? Here are a FEW of mine:

1.  Push-Ups: I blame my height - at 6'2" this girl has some long limbs...I totally rock the kneeling "girl" push-ups, but don't ask me to do the "boy" push-ups because I can only eek out 2 or 3.  And don't even get me started on the "tricep push-ups" I can only go down about 1/2 way while I'm on my knees because I definitely fear that my face will meet the floor with a great big thud.  We do these at BodyCombat and while I've definitely improved a lot, they are still very challenging.

2. Running: I don't know why, but it is a true struggle for me to run.  I think I have good form, but I am just so slow - doesn't mean that I don't try, I do - but I don't have that natural gift of gracefully trotting around the track - it's more like a clopping =)

3.  Step-Mill: Holy Cow!  If you want to see Em sweat take a gander at me while I'm on the step-mill.  It is ridiculously hard for me.  I sweat, I breathe hard, I sweat some more and pray to make it to the end of my workout.  I would honestly rather RUN (see #2) than do the step-mill.  That being said....

I do all 3 of these things at least twice a week.  I've started "warming up" with a mile run around the track at the gym every day.  Am I fast? Nope.  Does my butt jiggle when I run? You betcha.  But I do it because I know that eventually I'll get faster - even if it's only shaving 10 seconds off my time - it's still something.  Today I ran my mile in 8:45 - fastest I've ever done it.  And at the end of my run I thought "Man, I'm slow, let's see what I can do tomorrow".  Same with the step-mill - it was HARD to finish those 40 minutes today and I will get my push-ups on at my class on Wednesday and Friday (assuming my daughter doesn't bite anyone).  I guess my point is (cheesy line coming up) the HARD is what makes the journey/day/workout worth it - because then it ends up that I've really accomplished something that day.

My question for you is, what are you doing or maybe avoiding that is hard for you to do in your workouts?  Think of something you can do this week that will take you out of your "routine" and really help you push yourself!

this is me now


  1. I think the step mill is of the devil! It makes me sweat more then anything else but then again, it makes me feel like I've had a great workout in. Honestly, I can't wait to work out again, right now the hardest thing for me is to take it easy :)

  2. I HATE tricep push-ups! And I am horrible at pull ups! I always try to do them but I hate them!

    I don't know what you are talking about, it sounds like you run fast to me *:45?! That's pretty dang good!

  3. That was supposed to be 8:45....oops

  4. Hi Emily! Just wanted to send a little thank you note your way. I have really struggled, but today was a milestone. I have lost 20 pounds. I started mid-November. Lost 14 pounds by Christmas. Gained 9 of that back over the holidays. Then have done the battle with food that I know will be a life-long fight since. Some days I can't get a grip, but I keep trying ----- largely because of one thing you said. Losing weight is hard, but being overweight is difficult too. Something like that. I have felt really miserable for a couple of years and lacked the motivation to even attempt the fight. I'm better now at getting up, digging down deep and finding a way to get back on track. I've realized that we can't set a date that we are going to see a certain number on the scale or be in a certain size pants. I'm 5 1/2 pounds away from my goal. I'm not sure how long it will take to get there but I am going to make it. Thanks so much for being a great motivator for me.

  5. Whats going on girl? Promises promises... you need to update the blog!!!
